William Morris was a revolutionary force in Victorian Britain: his work as an artist, designer, craftsman, writer and socialist dramatically changed the fashions and ideologies of the era.
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Maggie Taylor grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and moved to Florida at the age of 11.
Sunflowers is a design inspired by sketchbook drawings Michael made in his garden.
This season we are delighted to introduce new tray sizes, shapes, words and colours to our best selling Word collection designed by Asta Barrington. In addition to our existing Word trays we present:
The design features three Doric columns guarded by fish-tailed Pegasi, swooping owls and armoured cats in this enchanting Odyssey, full of intricacies just waiting to be discovered...
Twelve new fun and useful trays have been introduced to our popular Word collection designed by Asta Barrington.
We are delighted to introduce thirteen high quality and fun Word mugs to our best selling Word collection designed by Asta Barrington.
Word tea towels have arrived! Some of the best selling words and phrases from our fun Word collection by Asta Barrington are now available as tea towels in the same vibrant colours as our birch wood trays.
We have just added 18 new foreign language trays to our best selling Word Collection designed by Asta Barrington.
Jamida är ett svenskt varumärke som har lanserat en helt ny kollektion av designade produkter. Vårt mål är att göra vardagen lite roligare, detta genom att bygga en kollektion med färgstarkt mönstrade och högst personliga produkter.
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